Friday, June 6, 2008

[THIN] Re: [SPAM] Re: Doug Brown thinks Citrix is the "Madonna" of Virtualization

Now, did anyone ever call Woz’s dial a joke?    I didn’t, not even in the phreaking days but I’m curious if any of you did??

Woz was a huge fan of jokes...

Oh the fun we had before the Internet....   I wrote a demon dialer the day after I saw War Games for the first time.  I posted it on my local BBS and away it went.    It was one of my first DBCC apps.. ;)   Fun times..  I actually put my real name and phone number in it and for years I received calls from people asking questions... (my Mom could never understand why all the people were calling asking for me... )  Fun stuff.  Those were the days when you posted the app AND the source code.  (I wrote that in C with inline Assembly for the I/O calls... )

A lot of fun.. I must admit I miss those days a lot...   Now days everything is done for you...  Not back then.. It was a new world and for kids like me the world was truly our Oyster... I also wrote a program called, “Oyster” which I used to keep track of my growing Grateful Dead Bootleg collection.   I started writing the ability for it to share music over BBS’s but the drive space was just way too much money and even with ZMODEM it took way tooo long so I strapped it.  That was over five years if not 8 to 10 before Napster..   Again, what a fun time to be a kid...


On 6/6/08 7:08 PM, "Jim Kenzig" <> wrote:

Yeah my computer that I ran my bbs on had a whopping 80 meg hard disk! I downloaded everything from everywhere and mirrored it! I had 2 lines.  I do agree that gaming is now forcing the hardware to be more powerful but it wasn't always that way. I guess we are both correct.  And Greg I think that one of the first few emails was the canonical list of dumb blonde jokes.  How many hundreds of times did you get that one?

On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 4:56 PM, Douglas A. Brown <:
yes, you are correct..   I was around and I remember all that...  I had a compuserv account and I ran a BBS off a 1200 baud modem too.  Funny how slow that is today, you know...

and I agree there was a lot of p0rn on this sites back then but I just don't agree that is why people use them.  Yes, there are a lot of people that are interested in that back then but I think most people that knew about and have computers and logged in to those sites were computer guys and the other was just a perk.. (LOL)...   I mean, it was very expensive in those days... right?  go to the store and buy a mag vs. buying a 5k pc...

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