Hi Warren,
Thanks for the info...I have completed all those steps but I cannot access the default web page from my desktop or through IIS on the citrix web interface server, Im sure I've made a simple mistake but not sure where....any ideas?

-----Original Message-----
From: thin-bounce@freelists.org [mailto:thin-bounce@freelists.org] On Behalf Of Warren Simondson
Sent: Friday, 15 May 2009 12:01 PM
To: thin@freelists.org
Subject: [THIN] Re: iPhone Testing
Hi Alan
I've set this up on many sites now and we are using it in house and I've not hit a problem yet.
Make sure your iphones are version 2.2.1. The other thing is to watch this video:
If you have done all this and still can get access, is the access failing after you login to the
iphone Citrix reciever or after you lauch an app from the reciever once you have logged in?
Warren Simondson
Ctrl-Alt-Del IT Consultancy Pty Ltd
Website: http://www.ctrl-alt-del.com.au
Quoting alan tropper <alan.tropper@det.wa.edu.au>:
> Generator Microsoft Word 11 (filtered medium) Hi All,
> I have also been testing setting up an iPhone using the receiver 1.0
> but Im unable to get it to connect at present.
> I have created a new web interface site using PNAgent and this has
> like for like settings with my Access Platform default site, the URL
> points to the same web address and the gateway settings are the same
> but my test users still cannot access. ..any ideas where Im going
> wrong??
> Thanks
> Al
> From: thin-bounce@freelists.org [mailto:thin-bounce@freelists.org] On
> Behalf Of Jim Kenzig http://thin.ms Sent: Wednesday, 13 May 2009
> 10:51 PM To: thin@freelists.org Subject: [THIN] Re: iPhone
> Integration
> Get it from the itunes apps store. You can easily add a PNA site to
> your current web interface. Patrick Rouse wrote a good article here
> to get it up and going
> http://www.msterminalservices.org/articles/Configure-Citrix-Program-Neighborhood-Agent.html
> Jim Kenzig Blog: http://www.techblink.com Twitter:
> http://twitter.com/kenzig Twitter: http://twitter.com/InternetPilot
> On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 10:43 AM, msemon@ont.com <msemon@ont.com>
> wrote:
> Has anyone setup iPhone integration with Citrix? I would like to
> test. Went to download Citrix receiver for iPhone 1.0 and it says
> that it is only available from Apple. Can you download this for a
> eval? Also, looks like I have to create a PNAgent site for this. This
> customer has Secure Gateway setup which looks like it is supported.
> Can anyone shed light on this? Thanks, Mike
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