Thursday, May 14, 2009

[THIN] App Loads Via Desktop but Not Published App

I have a JAVA enabled web site.
Its available via full citrix desktop or as an individually published application (c:\program files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe http://javaapp)
On some servers IE is definitely loading and the users are logging in, but as soon as JAVA is supposed to load in the IE window, IE quits. The users session stays open.
The IE / Java app works on the troublesome servers if via full desktop, just not via citrix published app.
2 other machines of the same cloned image dont have this issue, but 3 do.
Its not a printer issue (removed printer mappings)
Its not a cilent side resolution issue (change the local resolution to 1024x768) still quits out
All Clients are running client build number 52110 (10.0)
Presentation Server 4.5 - R03
W2K3 SP2
Any pointers much appreciated!

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