Tuesday, May 12, 2009

[THIN] Re: Application reg import access denied

Does running gpresult as the user show that the new policy is being applied?


What’s HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\DisableRegistryTools for those users?


From: thin-bounce@freelists.org [mailto:thin-bounce@freelists.org] On Behalf Of alan tropper
Sent: 12 May 2009 08:47
To: thin@freelists.org
Subject: [THIN] Application reg import access denied


Hi All,


I have a vbs application running on my citrix 4.5 PS servers that calls two reg files and tries to install them under HKCU, however Im getting the following error in all the user log files:


#----TRIM Context Config----

Begin applying TRIM Context Settings

**Error: Failed to import registry 'c:\TrimFiles\#Files for the Logon Scripts\TRIM_Context_Config.reg'

ERROR: Registry editing has been disabled by your administrator.


**Error: Failed to import registry 'c:\TrimFiles\#Files for the Logon Scripts\TRIM_Global_Settings.reg'

ERROR: Registry editing has been disabled by your administrator.


The error’s for the reg imports are state that there is a registry edit permission issue, however I have amended the GPO to ‘disable’ Prevent access to registry editing tools, however this hasn’t helped.


Any ideas would be great?





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