Tuesday, April 28, 2009

[THIN] Re: OT: VBScript assistance needed

Is this a pure TS environment? If you’ve Ctx you could use MFCOM you could do :-


For each asession in oMFServer.Sessions




Where oMFServer is an metaframecom.metaframeserver object for the current machine


Failing that you could always enumerate the sessions and run a logoff command for each one.


From: thin-bounce@freelists.org [mailto:thin-bounce@freelists.org] On Behalf Of Steve Snyder
Sent: 28 April 2009 02:13
To: thin@freelists.org
Subject: [THIN] OT: VBScript assistance needed


trying to implement a logoff in vbscript, a la

set objOS - getobject("winmgmts:{(Shutdown)}//.root/cimv2").execquery("select * from win32_operatingsystem where primary=true")
for each objsys in objOS
  objsys.win32shutdown 0

 which works great on a 32bit windows system, not so great on a 64bit windows system. Any ideas how to make this fly on 64bit?

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