Wednesday, April 29, 2009

[THIN] Re: Cannot connect to 4.5 server externally

What about the XML service. PN needs it to enumerate the servers in the farm.

On 4/28/09, Peterson David <> wrote:
> We have a new 4.5 server in it's own farm, on server 2003. I can connect
> internally using a custom ICA connection or quick launch but cannot connect
> from the Internet (we don't have WI for this system installed yet.)
> When I try to connect via Quick launch over the Internet I get a protocol
> driver error, from a custom ica connection I get XenApp server not
> available. Telnetting to port 1494 (get ICA) and 2598 work, as does
> connecting via rdp.
> From inside the network I can connect via ICA fine, but only using the
> internal name. On our 4.0 servers, I can connect using either.
> Anyone have any suggestions?
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