Friday, June 12, 2009

[THIN] Re: thin Digest V8 #267

I would advice against it too
Have had issues in the past as well
Not as much with apps not working, but problems with the amount of
network connections all these redirections sgenerate on your file
That will generally casue a lot of performance problems (at least it has
in environments I worked in)
All I redirect these days is the My Documents folder


Msg: #21 in digest
Subject: [THIN] Redirect App Data
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2009 08:58:12 +1200
From: "Mark Oliver" <>

Whats the consensus on redirecting app data in the user roaming profile
to a file share.
I know adobe9 reader dosnt like it.
Using windows 2008 XenApp5

Thanks in advance.

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