Thursday, June 11, 2009

[THIN] Re: Redirect App Data

i've never had any issues with it.  Been doing it for years.

i have not done it on windows 2008 though.  A nice thing to do if you go this route, is to set a logoff script for your users to create the paths in their home drive and copy up the contents of their local appdata.  Then when you do flip the switch to put them on a server based one, it is all there waiting on them. We did this when transitioning users to thin clients and it went over really well.

I redirect all profile things to H:\Profile except "personal" which just goes to H:\

currently, I redirect Application Data, Favorites, History, Recent, Cookies, personal, and My Pictures.  i just hard code it in the default profile.  GPO redirection has burned me too many times.

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 3:58 PM, Mark Oliver <> wrote:
Whats the consensus on redirecting app data in the user roaming profile to a file share.
I know adobe9 reader dosnt like it.
Using windows 2008 XenApp5
Thanks in advance.

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