Wednesday, June 10, 2009

[THIN] Re: Citrix printer problem

I assume you are referring to client printers and not network printers.

Are any of the users "Power Users" or Administrators on the local XenApp server?

Does the problem only appear in one app or is it all apps? Is it an issue in Internet Explorer or Notepad?

Do all of the servers have different SIDs?

Have you run the ctx_cpsvc recreation tool?

Have you configured any DefaultPrnFlags?

What rollup hotfix is installed?

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 11:22 AM, Sohail Qadir <> wrote:
Good Afternoon Everybody,
First of Printers are a pain in Citrix. Some of our users have started seeing this issue and I have no idea why some users and not others. We currently have 3 Presentation servers 4.5 in a Farm. They are used for remote access where I publish application and the web server resides in the DMZ. Recently a couple of my users started to notice that once they go to print they see all the printers from all the users which are hundreds of them.
The citrix servers reside in an OU which has a group policy that should only allow them to see their own printers installed locally on their box. So far what I have done is I put in one of the application to one server at a time and see if the problem will occur on each server just to eleminate if it was one of the servers that was missbehaving. Then I deleted the user profile on the citrix server and see if the profile was corrupt and Once that is done it works the first time but then it fails again. I did some searches on the net about this particular problem but havent found anything yet . While I am doing my research I thought I will put it out to you guys to see if anyone has seen this problem before.
Thankyou in advance.
Sohail Qadir

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