Where can I find good documentation on setting this up? How does WI know what farm a user belongs to? If I have a CTX Farm in US and another in Canada. A US User logs in, how does he get directed to the US Farm? Is it based on IP, AD group? Are there different links on the WI page?
Also in relation to Citrix WI versions, is it always best to go with the latest and greatest? I recall reading that WI 4.6 is faster than V5? My farm is version 4 so I need to ensure the version works with this old version.
Sorry for the silly question but Ive never done this before.
Subject: [THIN] Re: 1 x Web Interface servicing multiple Citrix 4.0 Farms over WAN
From: steveg@thinclient.net
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 21:07:13 +0000
You can include multiple farms in a single web interface. In the settings within WI just specify more than one farm and define one or more servers within the farm for app enumeration.
In a distributed environment you gave to look at AD and WAN communications but WI is not a limiting factor, in fact, it is deosgned to aggragate mutilple farms.
Steve Greenberg
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
From: ananth padmanabham
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 08:42:56 -0700 (PDT)
To: <thin@freelists.org>
Subject: [THIN] Re: 1 x Web Interface servicing multiple Citrix 4.0 Farms over WAN
Hi I think you need to create new web sites for each farm in Single Citrix web interface servers and make sure that communication between the servers should happen to each farm. U should have a 2 web interface for load balancing and fault tollance purpose. Anantha Padmanabham K --- On Fri, 19/6/09, Angela Smith <angela_smith9@hotmail.com> wrote:
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