Tuesday, February 3, 2009

[THIN] Re: Roaming profile with Domain extension

Good morning all,
Thanks for your comments and here is what I have found so far.
1st problem - roaming profile directories want .domain extension
We are pre-creating the roaming profile folders.
In the past we created without the .domain name on the end all worked.
What seems to be part of the problem is we are now using an environment variable and GP (we had this before but not using envir var) setting to determine the location where these profiles are stored.
We started using an environment variable defined at hklm\system\CurrentControlSet\Session Manager\Environment
    We called it SILO which is set to the directory for that silo
    inside that directory we precreate the profile folders (with a script and all the correct rights)
In the gp that defines where profiles are stored we have it set to \\server\share\%SILO%
If we don't use envirnoment variable it works the same way it has always.  No domain extension required.
2nd problem - profiles not unloading
We do have uphclean loaded but it is not "seeing" a problem with the profiles not unloading.
person logs on
person logs off
    profile not copied down (when all of the above is working)
    user hive still loaded in memory.
    I can manually go and unload them no errors
    but no profile copied
Thanks for any suggestions.
Doug Stratton, Shared Service BC
Service Desk Email: 77000@gov.bc.ca
Service Desk Tel: (250)387-7000

From: thin-bounce@freelists.org [mailto:thin-bounce@freelists.org] On Behalf Of Jim Kenzig http://thin.ms
Sent: February 3, 2009 4:28 AM
To: thin@freelists.org
Subject: [THIN] Re: Roaming profile with Domain extension

This sounds right. It seems at our stie.  that even in our home directory here if we do not have the folder already created for the user with System:Full , Administrator:Full and the USERs name:Full access that the created folder does not get the correct permissions.  to the folder and it adds the .domain to the created folder. It is best to make a home folder and specify it in AD and then make sure the permissions are set correctly. The follow scripts will help you get the permissions set correctly on your users folder.  Change the attached txt files extensions to .cmd and they will be scripts. Edit as below.

See Below
Hi Guys,
This stuff was written for us by a vendor.  Our users folders for docs are F:\users and for profiles F:\profiles, you'll have to edit the scripts where that is to the drive and directory where you have yours.   Then you run the getusers script and it will get a list of all your users to use to set the profiles permissions.  It will create a file called users.txt.  Next run the setprofiles script to set the permissions on the folders.  What happens is that when the profiles are created from the top down in W2K3 admins do not have permissions on all the folders. So if you try to delete or do something with the profile doesn't always take.  At any rate I would suggest you make a backup of the profiles/users folders first if you have the disk space prior to running this and do it when users are not connected if possible.  It has solved over 99% of our issues with profiles and sets the proper directory permissions on the server.  The other thing of course we use is UPHCLEAN from MS on the ws/server to keep profiles cleaned off.  This is built into VISTA and Server 2008
Get it at
You need to download xcacls also and put it in the path get it from http://support.microsoft.com/kb/318754
 This solves a lot of problems.

Jim Kenzig
Blog: http://www.techblink.com

On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 8:39 PM, <christopher.walter@cgi.com> wrote:
I am 99% sure this is normal behavior if you are creating the profile with a policy.  If it is created in the users AD account profile then it doesn't happen.  Now with that being said I know you can stop this from happening with Home directories if you create the director first and give the user full control to the directory.  If the user does not have full control then it will create a new directory with the domain name on the end.  I am not sure if it would work with the profile but you can give it a shot.

From: thin-bounce@freelists.org [mailto:thin-bounce@freelists.org] On Behalf Of Stratton, Doug ISMC:EX
Sent: February 2, 2009 6:58 PM
To: thin@freelists.org
Subject: [THIN] Roaming profile with Domain extension

For some reason we are getting the following problem with our new servers.

XA 4.5
We have Roaming profiles setup
We are in a domain.

But profiles are not loading.

What I found out so far is that it is looking here for the roaming profile

USERENV(1294.12b0) 15:01:43:704 LoadUserProfile: lpProfileInfo->lpUserName = <dougtes_s>
USERENV(1294.12b0) 15:01:43:704 LoadUserProfile: lpProfileInfo->lpProfilePath = <\\feat\s002\basic\dougtes_s.OurDomain>

Up until now we have never had to have a folder with the domain name on it.  Once in a while we had domain names added as extension but that was when profiles were stuck in memory and the person was logging on a second time.   That is not the case this time.

Right out of the gate it is appending the domain name to the end.

So my question is what can I do to prevent it from using domain extension?

I am not sure if it is related but profiles are not unloading either (no errors that I could find in the event log)

Doug Stratton, Shared Service BC
Service Desk Email: 77000@gov.bc.ca
Service Desk Tel: (250)387-7000

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