Tuesday, September 2, 2008

[THIN] Re: Google announces Chrome Browser

2008/9/2 Jim Kenzig http://thin.ms <jkenzig@gmail.com>:
> To be available in about 19 hours
> http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2008/09/fresh-take-on-browser.html

I've just given it a try, and it seems that when you open a link in a
new tab or window, no HTTP referer header gets sent.

Not a problem, except for some sites which put a variable in the GET
headers and throw a wobbly when they don't find it later on in the
referer. Badly-coded sites, certainly - but there are some out there.

Some websites may employ some hotlink protection which won't like GET
requests which don't have the referer they're expecting. Usually they
don't mind a blank referer (eg image hotlink protection achieved
through .htaccess and mod_rewrite) - but some sites will want to see a
specific referer (eg - if you ONLY want people to be able to download
yourapp.exe from a certain other page on your site).

Although Google Chrome seems much more responsive under heavy load (I
tested by making Chrome, Opera and Firefox open 200 windows and 50
tabs of random PHP-generated HTML and images), windows seems to take
longer to recover after it has been closed. Opera tends to hang
around in the background, gradually lowering the commit charge once
its 200 windows are closed. After closing Chrome, explorer seems to
take a long time to redraw all the icons on the desktop.

That's a very basic test, and not much worth taking notice of. I'll
play with Chrome some more another day, but now it's time for sleep.

"At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents
do not cease to be insipid." - Nietzsche
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