Monday, September 29, 2008

[THIN] Re: Edgesight 4.5 error loading payload issue

Hang on a second, did you re-install an agent on a server? If so, did
you delete the server from the database first?

2008/9/29 andy mac <>:
> This is just when rolling out the agent to the Citrix servers, I havent even
> rolled out the agent to any client machines yet
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Berny Stapleton <>
> To:
> Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 11:09:50 AM
> Subject: [THIN] Re: Edgesight 4.5 error loading payload issue
> What are the clients? They aren't deployed out of the same image and
> have the same hostname or something do they? Mis-configured thin
> clients perhaps?
> 2008/9/29 andy mac <>:
>> Ive installed an eval of edgesight on a w2k3 sp2 server connecting to a
>> sql
>> 2005 server.
>> ive configured it and rolled out the presentation server agent to a couple
>> of citrix servers. However, when it tries to upload the payload file back
>> to
>> the edgesight server, we get the following error emailed out and appearing
>> in the messages area
>> "The UPDATE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint
>> "FK_SInstance_machine". The conflict occurred in database "EdgeSight",
>> table
>> "dbo.machine", column 'machid'.
>> The statement has been terminated"
>> We did have an initial issue uploading the payload as it was putting a
>> double backslash in part of the path which was giving us an access is
>> denied
>> error, but I solved that by editing the edgesight.cfg file.
>> Anyone any ideas, done a citrites/google search and found nothing !
>> Thanks
>> Andy
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