The VDM client only has standard RDP as the display protocol, USB redirection (VMware not OEM), multimedia redirection (Wyse TCX OEM) and the connection server comms component.
I'm pretty sure that the VDM USB redirection is supported only on Win32 (200/XP/Vista).
TCX has been ported to Linux but I think only Wyse have TCX running on Linux at the moment, but it is supported by XPe/XP/Vista as well as Wyse ThinOS.
That leaves us with the RDP protocol and some comms/connection server agent stuff probably making up a Linux VDM client.
Igel have their own port of the VDM client to Linux. Unless they've managed to do TCX and the USB redirection port to Linux themselves you're left with a somewhat limited VDM client.
But then who needs more than basic RDP client functionality anyway? :-)
Ulrich Mack
Quest Software
Provision Networks Division
On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 1:53 PM, Puneet Goel <g.puneet@gmail.com> wrote:
As far as i know VDM client is not there for linux host machines. how
the linux machines are certified by vmware as VDM compatible ?
On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 11:41 PM, Steve Greenberg <steveg@thinclient.net> wrote:
> Exactly, you can access Windows virtual machines by installing rdesktop or
> ICA client on LINUX. VDM is the VMware product and that uses RDP (rdesktop)
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