to allow a reconnect and short enough for users to learn to "self
Patrick Coughlin
On 1/13/09, Angela Smith <> wrote:
> Hi
> We have intermittent issues on our Windows 2003 Presentation Server 4 farm
> where users are disconnected from the Citrix farm for "unknown" reasons.
> When this occurs, the user calls the HelpDesk and the HelpDesk resets the
> connection and off they go. They often wait 30 minutes for the HelpDesk to
> answer for such a simple task.
> What I would like is for the users to be able to reset their ICA session via
> Citrix Connection Centre. What I would like though is a log of
> disconnects/resets so I dont loose visibility of issues in farm. I believe
> Printing is the cause of the disconnects as this is usually the last task
> performed before they have issues. I will be installing Tricerat Simplified
> Printing within the next few months which will "hopefully" resolve this
> issue. Im just looking for ways of reducing HelpDesk calls in the interim.
> Is there a way to log all disconnect/resets?
> Thanks
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