Wednesday, April 1, 2009

[THIN] TEMP profiles being created with Xenapp Plugin 11


We have deployed the 11 client (with passthru enabled) to a bunch(large bunch) of xp workstations and started getting locked profiles.

We believe these are the articles talking about it:

Our user logs confirm ssonsvr.exe is locking the profile.

One of our techs says Microsoft says there may not be a client to correct this issue.  I believe they are aware of the above citrix article.

I have three questions.

1st - has anyone run into this with this client and gotten a "new" client to correct it?

2nd - has anyone run into this on a w2k3 server.
        we are just about to upgrade to this version and are holding off

3rd- is everyone going with the prefech work around

Doug Stratton, Shared Service BC
Service Desk Email:
Service Desk Tel: (250)387-7000

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