I need to support smart card authentication in my Linux thin client
for vmware. I came to know that vmware has released Linux version of
client. I downloaded and installed on my thinclient. but I am coming
across one issue.
Below is the statement from one of my customer:
" If we connect to server, it doesn't carry smart card credentials.
When I insert the etoken smart card and open vmware client and connect
to machine thrugh vmware server, the virtual machine doesn't ask for
the PIN and if you open the etoken Smart card PKI client at remote
machine you can see that the eToken is not recognized."
As of now I am using VMware View Open Client from
Is there any commertial version of this client also available from
vmware which support smart card.
Few questions:
1. Is the official Linux client the only one with smart card support ?
[ As per the customer requirement we need Smart card support in Linux
client with vmware. I have come to know that Wyse, HP and Priam thin
clients has Smart card support in Linux with vmware view. How is this
possible ?]
2. Is there any way to enable Smart card support in Open Source Client
? Do I need any connection broker to enable Smart card support.
3. Is there any connection broker for Linux which doesn't require Java
Support. I was checking with Leostream client but that requires java
which itself is around of 100MB for my limited memory thin client.
Actually I am new to vmware infrastructure. To provide smart card
solution to customer I need to know how to make vmware view pass smart
card credential to server.
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