Tuesday, March 3, 2009

[THIN] Re: Edgesight sort of

In GP, it can be either a user setting or a computer setting. For both, it is under Admin Templates > Windows Components > Terminal Services > Sessions. The setting is "Terminate session when time limits are reached".
The registry value is fResetBroken under SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services. This could be HKLM or HKCU.

On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 3:35 PM, Stratton, Doug ISMC:EX <Doug.M.Stratton@gov.bc.ca> wrote:

We are using XA4.5, W2k3, Active Directory, Edgesight v3.
One of the settings to start using edgesight is to Change the ICA-TCP properties Session setting:
When Session limit is reached or connection is broken to END SESSION.
When I go into the Terminal Service configuration tool it is Greyed out and I can't change it.
It is set to Override user settings, Disconnect from session.

I have looked around group policy and citrix policies and can't find where the heck it is being set.  I have changed the setting on the user account but does not seem to be working.

Anyone know where that would be set in gp for citrix/Terminal Server or why it would be greyed out?
Or where in the registry this is set so I can go take a look at it.

Thanks a bunch

Doug Stratton, Shared Service BC
Service Desk Email: 77000@gov.bc.ca
Service Desk Tel: (250)387-7000

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