Thursday, April 23, 2009

[THIN] Re: Certificates and profiles

Use robocopy in a logoff script to copy them off to a mapped share

Jim Kenzig
Please excuse any typos.
Sent from my iPod

On Apr 23, 2009, at 12:52 PM, Jeff Pitsch <> wrote:

> Ok, here's a good one. Or at least I think it is.
> I'm contracting at a bank that needs to import individual
> certificates for users into their store. Easy enough except the
> users don't have roaming profiles and they definitely roam between
> citrix boxes. Oh and the profiles get deleted every night. Any
> ideas on how/what to export/import or somehow save these certs for
> the users so they don't have to manually accept them every day?
> Hopefully this all makes sense......
> If we have to go roaming we will but we are trying to avoid that
> right now.
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