Monday, September 15, 2008

[THIN] Re: New Microsoft commercial

Sorry to hear that Nick.  I can tell the exact opposite story about how i pulled Windows out of 5 computers in my house and replaced them with OS X and can't imagine going back.  Unfortunately nobody is perfect and it's easy to find people with problems from both camps.

On Sep 15, 2008, at 3:49 AM, Nick Smith wrote:

I was going to start typing a long and very specific list about Apple lies, but I get way too angry and life is  too short.
I converted my wife and I to Apple about a year ago. It's been a complete nightmare. *Way* less stable than XP. I bought my wife Apple because I was fed up having to be IT support on her Vista machine. Now I just can't talk to her about her computer she's so angry with the ongoing problems. It's not stretching it very  far to say Apple came close to wrecking my home life.
Next round of hardware will undoubtedly be Wintel running XP.           
From: [] On Behalf Of Joe Shonk
Sent: 15 September 2008 03:05
Subject: [THIN] Re: New Microsoft commercial
If I didn't know any better, I'd say you like Microsoft…  Not sure what you mean by the Apple ads below with the camera and all buy I think the Apple Ads are funny…  Some of them are not quite true (the virus ads) but some of them are.  The UAC one is very true.  I've had a nightmare of a time running Vista.  Oh, and the one about Mac running Windows faster than Windows is true.  My XP SP3 boots in 10 seconds (Power on to Desktop) under Fusion.
Yes,  I the Mac has crashed and I've experienced a few issues with the wireless but not as bad as when I was running Vista on my other laptop.  There are also a few other things that bother me about Apple's products (and attitude).
As far as Microsoft as a company goes.  I have no problem with them.  They have made a lot of strides to fix the issues caused by Gates when he was CEO.
From: [] On Behalf Of Douglas A. Brown
Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2008 11:40 AM
Subject: [THIN] Re: New Microsoft commercial

Guys I just found the time to watch the new one and I really like it.  It is funny....  T be honest, I'm excited to see the next one.
Also, it is funny so many people start analyzing it so much but the apple ones that are complete lies are never questioned.  Why is that?   Apple tells us I need to tape a camera to my of if I want a cam.  Not true...  They tell me vista is major surgury but when I upgraded my iPhone it crashes and bricks... So what is major and what is not?   
All in all I wish Microsoft would have gone after apple's lies about vista as they are so bad but all in all I really enjoyed watching the Microsoft ones.  I'm excited to see another!
Just my 2 cents...

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 12, 2008, at 7:37 PM, "Steve Greenberg" <> wrote:
I hate to be positive here J, but I think it is really funny and let's give some credit here- Bill Gates willing to make fun of himself? That is a huge transformation from the days of the Evil Empire and lying in court!!!!


Steve Greenberg

<image002.jpg>Thin Client Computing

34522 N. Scottsdale Rd D8453

Scottsdale, AZ 85266

(602) 432-8649


From: [] On Behalf Of Greg Reese
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 2:07 PM
Subject: [THIN] Re: New Microsoft commercial
i think the goal is to get people talking about it so they aren't talking about Macs anymore.  which from that aspect, seems to be working.
On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 3:20 PM, Jim Kenzig <> wrote:
That's still not going to fix Vista's problems now is it?
What the hell are they thinking?

Jim Kenzig 

On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 1:50 PM, Greg Reese <gareese@> wrote:
its the same a company that brought us the Miller Lite man laws and the plastic burger king guy.
On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 12:10 PM, Peterson David <> wrote:
If you haven't seen the new commercial, its on least the web version is longer (4 minutes) and stranger than the last. Haven't seen it on TV yet.
Fortunately no adjusting of the shorts, but there is a new sign, and a pedicure, and plaid.
And more leather.

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