Tuesday, June 16, 2009

[THIN] Re: high color Icons

Hi Greg

Just to verify, you are looking in the AMC under Farm wide properties-->presentation server--
>general and then you should see ebable 32 icon color depth?

I just built a XA 5.0 HR04 environment in my lab a few hours ago and it was there.
Warren Simondson

Ctrl-Alt-Del IT Consultancy Pty Ltd

Website: http://www.ctrl-alt-del.com.au

On Tue, Jun 16th, 2009 at 10:37 PM, Greg Reese <gareese@gmail.com> wrote:

> this has always frustrated me.
> I built a brand new farm. Windows 2003 R2 x63 everything up to
> date.
> XenApp 5.0 HR04 (which is really 4.5) for W2K3 x64. Platinum
> edition.
> Then I built out a new web Interface server. Windows 2003 R2 x64.
> Web
> Interface 5.1.
> It is all working well, but I can't get the option for High color
> icons to
> appear in the farm properties. It must have been there at some
> point
> because the Notepad app we published when we brought things online is
> in
> high color, but everything else is the same lousy icons as always.
> I have loaded the latest AMC from mycitrix but still don't have the
> option.
> It is only one server and one WI at the moment. Not overly
> complicated.
> Feels like I am missing something here but I can't find it.
> Has anyone battled this before and have any suggestions?

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