Friday, January 23, 2009

[THIN] Re: Anyone know if their is a GPO or registry key for "Turn off all unecessary animations"

Thanks Joe
Can you write him back and ask him if it can be done via the registry somehow!
Jim Kenzig

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 6:14 PM, Joe Shonk <> wrote:



Here is the response I got back from Microsoft:


"It would be great if you could send this back.


While our team looked at this possibly in Windows Vista, it was decided to not incorporate group policy settings for two reasons

1.       We left it out so that network administrators would not be able to turn off EoA settings by group policy.  We did not want administrators to be able to turn off features that allow users to interact with their computer.

2.       We also looked at this from a disclosure perspective.  Having to tell your network admin "please allow foo setting" forces the person with an accessibility issue to self-disclose, and the person might not want to do that.


That said, as a fellow network admin of, I see value to the scenario Jim described.  I will take the feedback, but I do not think we'll get it into Windows 7, since it would require planning on specific options and how to handle them.  We need to approach those problems during the planning phase. "


From: [] On Behalf Of Jim Kenzig

Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 10:10 AM
To: THIN;;
Subject: [THIN] Anyone know if their is a GPO or registry key for "Turn off all unecessary animations"


Trying to track down the registry setting in Vista and Server 2008 that is under Ease of Access Center / Make it easier to focus on tasks / scroll to bottom and under Adjust Time Limits and flashing Visuals section we want the box to be checked to "Turn off all unnecessary animations (when possible)"  This should be available as a GPO as it is definitely necessary to turn off on the server for Terminal Services connections.

Jim Kenzig

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