Saturday, February 7, 2009

[THIN] Re: Quicken Home & Business 2009

Would you be able to use Provision’s File Redirection to achieve the same thing as AIE?

IE Redirect c:\quicken\qw.exe to %homedrive%%homepath%\%username%qw.exe or similar?




From: [] On Behalf Of Rick Mack
Sent: 07 February 2009 21:31
Subject: [THIN] Re: Quicken Home & Business 2009


Hi Gehan,


Yes and it's actually quite easy.


Quicken sets a global mutex (QW is running) to prevent more than one instance running on a server. A global mutex is a semaphore that is visible to all terminal server sessions so if one user runs qw.exe, the global mutex (qw is running) is visible in all other user sessions, preventing them from running another instance of QW.


You can do several things to get around this problem:

1. Rename the global mutex to a name that is user-specific, which is what Citrix AIE does.

2. Use a script wrapper to kill the global mutex handle

3. modify qw.exe to change the global mutex reference to a local mutex


AIE is only available in XenApp enterprise or platinum editions, but if you've only got advanced edition or plain terminal services the other 2 options aren't very hard.





Ulrich Mack
Quest Software Australia
Provision Networks Division

mob: 0419 393 808

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 9:51 AM, <> wrote:


Has anyone been able to deploy any of the  Quicken Home & Business 2007/  8 or 9 in either a Pres 4.0 or 4.5 server farm using any method successfully ?

This app has a nice little problem of only being able to run once per box, i have never been able to successfully isolate the app.


Gehan De Silva

Exceptional Service  Exceptional Results

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